By Jennifer Osgood Instead of resolving a dispute through the court system, parties can agree to submit their disputes to arbitration. Arbitration is essentially private litigation. In Colorado, arbitration is a favored method of dispute resolution. However, before you include, or agree to, an arbitration clause in your next contact, here are some things you […]

This legislative update authored by Herrick K. Lidstone, Jr.  is in three parts. Part I discusses 2012 and 2013 legislation amending Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted in Colorado.Part II discusses the adoption of the Public Benefit Corporation Act of Colorado. Part III discusses Amendment 64 and marijuana legislation. Click here […]

The Anatomy of a Legal Opinion

At some point during their years of practice, most corporate or transactional lawyers will be asked to work on a legal opinion for the closing of a deal in progress in their law firm or legal department. Their assignment is to prepare the first draft of a closing opinion letter, which will be reviewed and […]

Many startups find themselves stuck in the  “Death Valley Curve”—which,  is defined by Investopedia as “the period of time from when a startup firm receives an initial capital contribution to when it begins generating revenues.” Fortunately, there is an array of resources available for Colorado entrepreneurs seeking to get in front of potential investors. Click here […]

Crowdfunding – Not Yet Legal

by Herrick K. Lidstone, Jr. and Theresa M. Mehringer There has been quite a bit written about “crowdfunding” since President Obama signed the JOBS Act in April 2012.  Crowdfunding has been around for a number of years, and sometimes involves the offer and sale of a security and sometimes does not.  If a particular crowdfunding […]

What are corporations and how do they fit into Colorado law? – Admin Login Click here to read this reprint of Herrick K. Lidstone Jr.’s article, originally published in Law Week Colorado in May 2012.

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